Self Defense Classes: By Occupation

  • Designed for individuals in high-responsibility positions like healthcare providers, educators, and therapists, yet beneficial to all, this course imparts techniques for non-aggressive physical conflict management. It focuses on honing the skill to assert oneself while maintaining compassion, guaranteeing you can safeguard yourself and those in your charge during tense encounters.

  • In our Subject Control class, participants learn the critical skills needed for effectively managing and controlling subjects in various scenarios, ensuring safety and compliance without escalating conflict. This course is designed for individuals who require the ability to assert control in their professional roles, such as security personnel, law enforcement officers, and anyone in the security sector, as well as civilians looking for non-aggressive conflict resolution techniques.

    Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application, students will master techniques that prioritize restraint and minimal harm. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including body positioning, leverage principles, compliance holds, and safe takedown methods. Participants will also learn verbal de-escalation tactics to prevent physical confrontations whenever possible.

    Key focuses of the class include understanding the legal and ethical considerations of subject control, recognizing the importance of empathy and communication, and developing the physical skills necessary for safely controlling a situation. Scenarios and drills simulate real-life encounters, providing hands-on experience in applying techniques under pressure.

    By the end of the course, participants will have the confidence and skills to effectively manage challenging situations, protect themselves and others, and ensure the respectful treatment of all individuals involved. This class empowers individuals with the knowledge and techniques for maintaining control with confidence and integrity.

  • Protecting your home, church, or business is crucial in today's world. Unfortunately, these places can be vulnerable to threats and attacks, making it necessary to assess potential risks and take necessary precautions. Home and business break-ins, vandalism, theft, and violent crimes can cause significant damage to both property and people. That's why it's essential to have an expert like Weapon Brand assess your area to identify potential areas of threat and provide training or suggestions to protect your property and everyone inside.

    Whether it's securing entry points, improving lighting, or training staff to respond to emergencies, Weapon Brand can provide valuable insight and expertise to ensure your property and people are protected. Don't wait until an incident occurs to take action. Schedule an appointment with Weapon Brand today to assess your area and develop a plan to mitigate potential risks and keep your property and people safe.

  • As a Realtor, it's important to prioritize your safety when showing properties to clients. The unfortunate reality is that real estate agents are at a higher risk of experiencing violence or harassment while on the job. That's why it's crucial to take steps to protect yourself and be prepared for any situation.

    Weapon Brand's Realtor Safety Course is designed specifically for real estate professionals and can teach you valuable skills and strategies to keep yourself safe on the job. We cover tactical vantage points for escape, quick and effective defensive tactics, pre-incident indicators to look for, and most importantly, how to respond to dangerous situations and avoid harm while practicing your profession.

    Not only does our course provide essential safety tips and techniques, but we also offer continuing education (CE) credits for realtors. This is important because it allows you to fulfill your CE requirements while also learning critical safety skills that could save your life. By taking our safety course, you can rest assured that you are taking steps to remain safe while also meeting your professional development goals.

    Don't wait until it's too late to prioritize your safety. Become your OWN weapon and take our Realtor Safety Course today. Learn valuable skills that could help you stay safe while on the job and earn CE credits while doing so. It's a win-win situation for you and your career.

  • This course is designed to promote safety for both ride-share drivers and their passengers, as well as those who use public transportation like buses and cabs. It emphasizes the importance of situational awareness when traveling in vehicles, whether you are driving or a passenger.

    For ride-share drivers, this course provides crucial training on how to recognize and mitigate potential threats, such as identifying risky pick-up locations and dealing with difficult passengers. It also teaches basic self-defense tactics for close-quarters encounters and maintaining safe vehicle spacing. Effective de-escalation and communication skills are also emphasized, which are essential for diffusing tense situations.

    For passengers, the course provides insights on how to ensure a safe and comfortable ride. It emphasizes the importance of being aware of your surroundings, choosing safe pick-up and drop-off locations, and knowing what to do in an emergency.

    Whether you are a ride-share driver or passenger or use public transportation like buses and cabs, safety is paramount. This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to handle potential dangers and avoid risky situations. By promoting safety for all, we can create a more secure and comfortable ride experience for everyone.

  • Weapon Brand offers premium personal protection services for high net worth individuals, executives, and professionals who are frequently exposed to danger in their line of work.

    Our team of highly trained and experienced protection specialists is dedicated to providing the utmost safety and security to our clients at all times. We provide a range of services, including threat assessments and executive protection, which are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client.

    With a focus on discretion, professionalism, and expert knowledge, Weapon Brand is the preferred choice for those who require the highest level of personal protection in high-risk situations.

  • Secure Transactions: Mortgage Professional Safety Techniques and Strategies is a uniquely crafted workshop born from profound personal experiences. Designed to empower mortgage professionals with vital safety knowledge and skills, this workshop has its roots in two life-altering incidents that hit close to home for our founders.

    Brian, our lead speaker, draws inspiration from a harrowing event in his family's history. His mother, a credit union employee, was the victim of a traumatic armed robbery, an ordeal that led to a lifelong struggle with PTSD. This incident deeply influenced Brian's approach to safety training, emphasizing the need for mental resilience alongside physical preparedness.

    Jamie, Brian's cousin and business partner, brings a similarly impactful story. As a young mortgage broker, Jamie faced a physical assault while on the job. The incident, shrouded in silence due to her fear of being advised to leave her chosen career, highlights the often unspoken risks professionals in the mortgage industry face.

    In "Secure Transactions," Brian and Jamie combine their personal insights and professional expertise to create a comprehensive safety curriculum. The workshop covers risk assessment, preventive strategies, and response techniques, tailored specifically for the realities of the mortgage industry. Their shared mission is to ensure that professionals not only feel safe but are equipped with the skills to handle any situation they may encounter.

Self Defense courses and workshops offer a combination of mental and physical training to help our students prepare and avoid life-threatening situations. Corporate classes and individual sessions are available.