Self Defense

Self Defense courses and workshops offer a combination of mental and physical training to help our students prepare and avoid life-threatening situations. Corporate classes and individual sessions are available.

  • Weapon Brand's comprehensive course is a vital resource for anyone committed to their personal safety and the protection of those they care for. This program is a deep dive into understanding and evading potential dangers, including the alarming threats of abduction and human trafficking.

    When you enroll, you're equipping yourself with the knowledge to proactively avoid physical confrontations. This course empowers you with a 'weapon mindset,' transforming your approach to personal safety from reactive to preventive. You'll master anti-stalking strategies, enhance your situational awareness, and adopt mindset principles crucial for identifying and sidestepping threats.

    This program provides invaluable insights into the universal behavioral patterns exhibited by predators. Understanding these pre-attack indicators is key to your safety. It's not just about fighting back; it's about being so perceptive and prepared that you can thwart potential attacks, abductions, and instances of human trafficking before they escalate. With this training, you're learning how to ensure you never have to defend yourself physically! 

  • The self-defense system we offer is simple to learn and highly effective. It focuses on basic defensive techniques that are easy to remember and retain. In this class, you'll learn how to recognize pre-contact cues, manage your distance, defensive framing, and to defend yourself against punches, chokes, grabs, and strikes. We also cover abduction prevention techniques in level 1.

    The Weapon Brand self-defense system is the brainchild of Brian Anderson-Needham, who created the program and taught it for over 20 years, specifically for law enforcement, parole, and corrections agencies in Ohio. The success of the program has been recognized by other state agencies, who continue to purchase it for the training of their own use.

    It combines the most effective techniques from nine different martial arts styles, including Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, Muay Thai, and more. Unlike flashy Instagram videos that may not be practical or accessible in real-life situations, we teach simple yet effective techniques that you can learn and use to defend yourself within just two hours. Our goal is to empower you to become your own weapon and take action to protect yourself in any situation.

  • Join our Abduction Prevention class, a comprehensive course designed to equip you with essential self-defense skills for real-world safety. This class covers critical techniques for escaping chokes and grabs, ensuring you can break free from an attacker's grasp. Additionally, you'll learn defensive striking methods to effectively counter and neutralize threats. Our expert instructors will guide you through each step, empowering you with the confidence and skills needed to protect yourself in any situation. This class is perfect for anyone looking to enhance their personal safety and defensive capabilities.

  • Designed for individuals in high-responsibility positions like healthcare providers, educators, and therapists, yet beneficial to all, this course imparts techniques for non-aggressive physical conflict management. It focuses on honing the skill to assert oneself while maintaining compassion, guaranteeing you can safeguard yourself and those in your charge during tense encounters.

  • Our course is specifically designed to equip you with essential survival techniques in the event of a knife attack. Even if you have little to no experience in self-defense, the tactics taught in this course have been proven effective in helping individuals defend themselves.

    These principles have been utilized and taught to officers in some of the most dangerous prisons, where knife attacks are unfortunately common. Now, these methods are available to anyone who wants to learn how to protect themselves from this type of attack and potentially save their life.

  • In our Subject Control class, participants learn the critical skills needed for effectively managing and controlling subjects in various scenarios, ensuring safety and compliance without escalating conflict. This course is designed for individuals who require the ability to assert control in their professional roles, such as security personnel, law enforcement officers, and anyone in the security sector, as well as civilians looking for non-aggressive conflict resolution techniques.

    Through a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical application, students will master techniques that prioritize restraint and minimal harm. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including body positioning, leverage principles, compliance holds, and safe takedown methods. Participants will also learn verbal de-escalation tactics to prevent physical confrontations whenever possible.

    Key focuses of the class include understanding the legal and ethical considerations of subject control, recognizing the importance of empathy and communication, and developing the physical skills necessary for safely controlling a situation. Scenarios and drills simulate real-life encounters, providing hands-on experience in applying techniques under pressure.

    By the end of the course, participants will have the confidence and skills to effectively manage challenging situations, protect themselves and others, and ensure the respectful treatment of all individuals involved. This class empowers individuals with the knowledge and techniques for maintaining control with confidence and integrity.

  • In "Strike Back: The Art of Defensive Striking," you'll embark on a journey to master the crucial balance between defense and striking, turning your ability to protect into an active asset. This class is tailored to teach you how to deliver effective, controlled strikes as a means of self-defense, ensuring you're never left feeling vulnerable in a confrontational situation. Through focused training, you'll learn the mechanics of powerful striking, from positioning and balance to the timing and execution of hits that can neutralize threats.

    We emphasize the importance of precision over power, teaching you to strike strategically to maximize impact while minimizing risk. Defensive strategies are integrated with striking techniques to create a seamless flow between protecting yourself and taking control of the situation. With drills, sparring sessions, and scenario-based exercises, you'll develop the confidence and skill to use striking as a defensive tool, ensuring you're prepared to defend effectively in any situation. This course is about more than just throwing punches; it's about striking with purpose, intelligence, and tactical awareness, embodying the principle of being your own weapon in the face of danger.

  • In the "Multi-Attacker Defense" class, you'll learn the crucial skills needed to protect yourself when facing multiple attackers. This course is designed to equip you with strategic awareness, positioning techniques, and the ability to utilize your environment to your advantage. We focus on developing your ability to assess threats quickly, manage distance effectively, and employ defensive and evasive tactics that can be used against numerous opponents. Through a combination of physical drills, scenario-based training, and mental preparedness exercises, you'll gain the confidence and skills to remain composed and defensive in outnumbered situations. Whether you're navigating a crowded space or confronted by multiple threats, this course prepares you to stand your ground, make strategic decisions, and defend effectively, embodying the essence of being your own weapon even when the odds are against you.

  • “Down But Not Out: Tactical Ground Defense" is a comprehensive course designed to equip you with the skills and techniques necessary to defend yourself effectively while on the ground. This class acknowledges the reality that many confrontations may end up on the ground and prepares you to turn such situations to your advantage.

    Throughout the course, you'll learn how to manage and escape from various ground positions, utilizing leverage, technique, and strategic thinking to defend against and neutralize threats. We cover essential ground defense principles, including position control, guard maintenance, and reversal techniques, ensuring you're never at a loss for what to do when the fight goes to the floor.

    With a focus on practical, real-world scenarios, this class combines physical drills, technique refinement, and sparring sessions to build your confidence and competence in ground defense. Whether you're facing a single assailant or multiple attackers, the skills you gain here will prepare you to protect yourself effectively, maintaining your safety and asserting control in any situation.

    "Down But Not Out: Tactical Ground Defense" isn't just about learning to fight on the ground; it's about understanding the dynamics of ground combat and using that knowledge to become a more adaptable, resilient defender. This course is an essential part of becoming your own weapon, ensuring you're prepared to face any challenge, even from the ground up.

  • Our courses are not your typical sit-and-watch lecture. They are hands-on, experiential, and proven effective. During the training, attendees will actively participate as if a real-life situation is happening (customizable per client request).

    This course, centered on the Evade/Barricade/Respond method, is crucial for places of worship, schools, businesses, and families who want to protect their loved ones. By attending, you will gain valuable knowledge and life-saving skills in case of an attacker being present in a public place, school, or work environment.

    The course will dispel misconceptions and provide you with the mindset to survive a potential attack.

    In today's world, the threat of violence is unfortunately a reality, and it is essential to be prepared for any situation. By learning how to Evade/Barricade/Respond, you will be better equipped to protect yourself and those around you.

    Don't wait until it's too late - enroll in this hands-on, experiential course and gain the skills you need to stay safe in any situation.

  • Protecting your home, church, or business is crucial in today's world. Unfortunately, these places can be vulnerable to threats and attacks, making it necessary to assess potential risks and take necessary precautions. Home and business break-ins, vandalism, theft, and violent crimes can cause significant damage to both property and people. That's why it's essential to have an expert like Weapon Brand assess your area to identify potential areas of threat and provide training or suggestions to protect your property and everyone inside.

    Whether it's securing entry points, improving lighting, or training staff to respond to emergencies, Weapon Brand can provide valuable insight and expertise to ensure your property and people are protected. Don't wait until an incident occurs to take action. Schedule an appointment with Weapon Brand today to assess your area and develop a plan to mitigate potential risks and keep your property and people safe.

  • As a Realtor, it's important to prioritize your safety when showing properties to clients. The unfortunate reality is that real estate agents are at a higher risk of experiencing violence or harassment while on the job. That's why it's crucial to take steps to protect yourself and be prepared for any situation.

    Weapon Brand's Realtor Safety Course is designed specifically for real estate professionals and can teach you valuable skills and strategies to keep yourself safe on the job. We cover tactical vantage points for escape, quick and effective defensive tactics, pre-incident indicators to look for, and most importantly, how to respond to dangerous situations and avoid harm while practicing your profession.

    Not only does our course provide essential safety tips and techniques, but we also offer continuing education (CE) credits for realtors. This is important because it allows you to fulfill your CE requirements while also learning critical safety skills that could save your life. By taking our safety course, you can rest assured that you are taking steps to remain safe while also meeting your professional development goals.

    Don't wait until it's too late to prioritize your safety. Become your OWN weapon and take our Realtor Safety Course today. Learn valuable skills that could help you stay safe while on the job and earn CE credits while doing so. It's a win-win situation for you and your career.

  • In our course, you’ll acquire the essential tools for calming tense situations through nonviolent communication and conflict resolution strategies. We explore the intricacies of conflict, offering techniques in active listening, empathy-building, and the use of nonverbal communication to mitigate potential conflicts.

    Through hands-on scenarios, we'll build your confidence to handle intense situations with poise and assurance.

    This training also embraces the principles of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), reinforcing the value of diverse viewpoints and cultural understanding as cornerstones of a secure and welcoming environment. Our goal is not just to avert conflict, but to foster unity and comprehension among people from all backgrounds.

    Come learn with us, and step into a role where you can actively contribute to a harmonious and diverse community.

  • In our "Senior Shield" program, we go beyond physical safety to address the full spectrum of threats that seniors may encounter, both in the digital realm and in public spaces.

    **Online Threats:** In today's digital age, online scams and fraud pose significant risks to seniors. We provide practical, easy-to-understand fraud prevention strategies tailored specifically for seniors. You'll learn how to identify common online scams, protect your personal information, and safely navigate the internet to shield your finances from cybercriminals.

    **Public Safety:** While being out and about, seniors can sometimes find themselves in situations where personal safety is a concern. That's why our program includes unarmed self-defense techniques designed to empower you to confidently handle unexpected physical threats. We also understand that mobility may vary among seniors, so we've incorporated chair-based self-defense techniques, ensuring that everyone can participate and feel secure.

    With our comprehensive approach, you'll gain not only the physical skills but also the knowledge and awareness needed to safeguard yourself and your finances. Don't let fraud cast a shadow on your golden years—take control and stay safe with us. "Senior Shield" is here to equip you with the tools to enjoy your retirement with confidence and peace of mind.

    Click here to see what some of our 55+ students have to say about our classes!

  • This course is designed to promote safety for both ride-share drivers and their passengers, as well as those who use public transportation like buses and cabs. It emphasizes the importance of situational awareness when traveling in vehicles, whether you are driving or a passenger.

    For ride-share drivers, this course provides crucial training on how to recognize and mitigate potential threats, such as identifying risky pick-up locations and dealing with difficult passengers. It also teaches basic self-defense tactics for close-quarters encounters and maintaining safe vehicle spacing. Effective de-escalation and communication skills are also emphasized, which are essential for diffusing tense situations.

    For passengers, the course provides insights on how to ensure a safe and comfortable ride. It emphasizes the importance of being aware of your surroundings, choosing safe pick-up and drop-off locations, and knowing what to do in an emergency.

    Whether you are a ride-share driver or passenger or use public transportation like buses and cabs, safety is paramount. This course equips you with the knowledge and skills to handle potential dangers and avoid risky situations. By promoting safety for all, we can create a more secure and comfortable ride experience for everyone.

  • Our program for people with disabilities is designed to provide a safe and inclusive environment for individuals with diverse abilities to engage in physical activity and mindfulness practices. One of the many benefits of our program is that it provides both a mental and physical release for our participants.

    Don't just take our word for it, though. We encourage you to check out a video of our students who have utilized this program. Through the video, you can witness the transformation that takes place in our students as they engage in our program's activities.

    You will see firsthand how our program helps our students to build strength, improve their balance and coordination, and enhance their overall physical fitness. Additionally, the video showcases the impact that our mindfulness practices have on our student's mental well-being.

    We are proud to offer a program that provides a holistic approach to supporting individuals with disabilities. Our program is not just about physical exercise; it's about empowering our students to live their best lives. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to engage in activities that promote their physical and mental well-being, and we are committed to making that a reality for individuals with disabilities.

  • At Weapon Brand, we are dedicated to creating a secure environment for all, especially for those in marginalized communities, including LGBTQ+ individuals, battered women, foster care children, minorities, and survivors of trauma. We recognize the disproportionate threats these groups face and believe in the power of self-defense training to foster safety and empowerment.

    Our "Unbreakable" program is designed to instill confidence and provide practical skills to protect oneself from harm. Participants will learn to identify and react to danger, gaining not only the physical means to defend themselves but also the mental preparedness that can be crucial in an emergency.

    While these classes are focused on practical self-defense skills, they are also informed by our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), ensuring that every individual feels supported and valued. This holistic approach underscores our belief in the right of every person to live a safe and secure life. Through "Unbreakable," we are contributing to a community where safety is a shared priority, and where everyone, regardless of their background, has the opportunity to become their own best protector.

  • Weapon Brand offers premium personal protection services for high net worth individuals, executives, and professionals who are frequently exposed to danger in their line of work.

    Our team of highly trained and experienced protection specialists is dedicated to providing the utmost safety and security to our clients at all times. We provide a range of services, including threat assessments and executive protection, which are tailored to meet the specific needs of each client.

    With a focus on discretion, professionalism, and expert knowledge, Weapon Brand is the preferred choice for those who require the highest level of personal protection in high-risk situations.

  • Empowering Resilience: Self-Defense Strategies for Trauma Recovery is a class designed specifically for individuals who have experienced trauma or suffer from PTSD. Our trauma-informed trainer has contributed to books on the subject and has extensive experience working with individuals who have experienced trauma. The class is sensitive to the needs of traumatized students, and the trainer creates a safe and supportive environment where individuals can learn self-defense strategies that are tailored to their unique needs.

    The class emphasizes building resilience and empowerment through practical self-defense techniques. Students will learn how to use their mind, body and voice to defend themselves in real-world situations, and will gain confidence and empowerment through practice and repetition. The trainer emphasizes the importance of setting and respecting personal boundaries, and encourages students to communicate their needs and limitations as they learn and grow.

    In addition to self-defense strategies, the class incorporates trauma-informed techniques to help students regulate their emotions, manage triggers, and build resilience. Our trainer understands that individuals who have experienced trauma may have unique needs and limitations, and works closely with each student to ensure that the class is tailored to their individual needs and goals.

    Overall, Empowering Resilience: Self-Defense Strategies for Trauma Recovery is a supportive and empowering class that helps individuals build confidence, resilience, and empowerment through practical self-defense techniques and trauma-informed strategies

  • Secure Transactions: Mortgage Professional Safety Techniques and Strategies is a uniquely crafted workshop born from profound personal experiences. Designed to empower mortgage professionals with vital safety knowledge and skills, this workshop has its roots in two life-altering incidents that hit close to home for our founders.

    Brian, our lead speaker, draws inspiration from a harrowing event in his family's history. His mother, a credit union employee, was the victim of a traumatic armed robbery, an ordeal that led to a lifelong struggle with PTSD. This incident deeply influenced Brian's approach to safety training, emphasizing the need for mental resilience alongside physical preparedness.

    Jamie, Brian's cousin and business partner, brings a similarly impactful story. As a young mortgage broker, Jamie faced a physical assault while on the job. The incident, shrouded in silence due to her fear of being advised to leave her chosen career, highlights the often unspoken risks professionals in the mortgage industry face.

    In "Secure Transactions," Brian and Jamie combine their personal insights and professional expertise to create a comprehensive safety curriculum. The workshop covers risk assessment, preventive strategies, and response techniques, tailored specifically for the realities of the mortgage industry. Their shared mission is to ensure that professionals not only feel safe but are equipped with the skills to handle any situation they may encounter.

Weapon Safety & Defense

Weapon Brand instructors have trained local, state, and federal agencies in weapons and tactics including shooter development, weapon care, and tactical drills. Lead instructor Brian brings his knowledge from his past career working for the State of Ohio as the Program Administrator, Lead Instructor and DEVELOPER of the Defensive Tactics & Subject Control program, as well as the North Regional Training Administrator for the Adult Parole Authority.

  • Weapon Brand's USCCA Concealed Carry Class is a comprehensive training experience for those seeking to responsibly carry and use a firearm for self-defense. Our class is centered around the well-regarded USCCA curriculum, known for its detailed approach to concealed carry and self-defense tactics. Covering important topics like firearm safety, the legalities of concealed carry, and practical defense strategies, this class is designed to provide thorough and practical knowledge. Our experienced instructors, with diverse backgrounds in firearm training, are dedicated to delivering top-quality education to ensure participants are well-prepared and confident in their abilities.

    To join this empowering course and enhance your self-defense skills, sign up here to be added to the waiting list for Weapon Brand's USCCA Concealed Carry Class.

    To join our waiting list for our next concealed carry session, click here:

  • From Purchasing to Practicing: A Firearm Safety Workshop for ALL Gun Owners

    If you've completed a CCW course but are still unsure about how to safely handle and protect your firearm, our weapons safety and fundamentals course can provide you with the additional training you need.

    No CCW? No problem! Our training goes beyond what you learn in standard concealed carry classes. While CCW/CHL courses cover the legal aspects of firearms ownership and use, we focus on enhancing your shooting skills and teaching you how to handle a firearm safely and confidently.

    It's important to remember that while CCW courses can provide valuable instruction, they often fall short when it comes to fully preparing individuals to handle a firearm safely and responsibly. Don't rely solely on your CCW training - supplement it with our comprehensive weapons safety and fundamentals course.

    We offer instruction on proper handling techniques, protection of your firearm both while carrying and at home, and trigger management using dry fire exercises.

    Whether you're a new gun owner or an experienced shooter, our course is designed to meet your needs and provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to handle your firearm with confidence. Our instructors are experienced and dedicated to firearms safety, and we offer a supportive learning environment where you can ask questions and practice your skills.

    So if you want to ensure that you are fully prepared to handle your firearm safely and responsibly, enroll in our weapons safety and fundamentals course. We can help you build the skills and confidence you need to protect yourself and those around you.

    Need help picking the right firearm for you? Don't worry if you don't have one yet – we're here to assist you in finding the perfect match.

  • This class plays a vital role in addressing a pressing concern: numerous individuals, including police officers who have undergone firearm training, often suffer injuries due to mishandling their own firearms. Thus, having a comprehensive understanding of how to handle firearms appropriately is paramount, as it can prevent these accidents from happening.

    If you own, carry, or anticipate using a gun, this class is a necessity. You'll acquire proven and effective techniques for maintaining control of your firearm and preventing it from slipping out of your grasp. Although this is a non-shooting class, it can be adapted to an advanced firing session.

  • At Weapon Brand, our private shooting range sessions are open to everyone, for those with current or former military or law enforcement experience, there's no requirement to take our preliminary firearms safety course. However, for all other participants, completing this course prior to going to the range is required. At the shooting range with Weapon Brand is required.

    During the training, clients engage in a hands-on, comprehensive learning experience focused on practical firearm skills.

    Here's what you will learn:

    Advanced Shooting Techniques: Building upon basic skills, clients practice advanced techniques to improve accuracy, speed, and response time.

    Precision and Control: Clients work on refining their shooting precision, learning how to control their breathing, aim, and shoot with greater accuracy.

    Stress Management: We impart techniques to maintain composure and make clear decisions under stress, a crucial aspect of effective firearm use.

    Safety Reinforcement: Continuous reinforcement of safety protocols ensures that clients remain vigilant about responsible firearm handling at all times.

    This session provides a robust and immersive experience, equipping clients with the skills and confidence needed for proficient firearm use, aligning with Weapon Brand's ethos of empowerment through knowledge and skill.

  • The Weapon Brand's CAPP (Combat Application Pistol Program) course is an ideal training program for military personnel, military contractors, and individuals preparing for service in the Air Force, Marines, Army, or Navy.

    This course is designed to instill confidence in clearing malfunctions, shooting under stressful and/or physically demanding situations, and firing from unorthodox positions and adverse conditions. It caters to a wide range of proficiency levels, starting with basic gun users and providing advanced practice for novice shooters.

    With the latest techniques this program ensures that participants are well-equipped to handle any combat situation.

  • Weapon Brand provides customized training programs that cater to the specific needs of professionals in law enforcement, military, security personnel, and other related fields. With certified instructors who are experienced in tactical SWAT/SRT operator combative defense, our programs are designed to equip participants with the skills and knowledge required to handle real-life combat scenarios.

    From firearms training to close-quarter combat techniques, our courses are tailored to meet the unique demands of military training, law enforcement, and other security professionals. With a focus on practical skills and real-world experience, Weapon Brand is committed to ensuring that our clients are prepared to handle any situation that may arise.


  • Weapon Brand is a dynamic self-defense and firearms training academy committed to empowering individuals with the skills to protect themselves and their loved ones. Our expert-led programs cover a spectrum of real-world needs, from Realtor safety to advanced active shooter response. With a focus on practicality and responsibility, we offer comprehensive courses that include self-defense, firearm safety and proficiency, and strategic planning against various threats. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned enthusiast, Weapon Brand equips you with the knowledge and confidence to become your own weapon, ensuring safety is always within your control. Join us to transform into a vigilant, well-prepared, and responsible protector. The easiest to learn, easiest to remember, and most effective training system available today!

  • Weapon Brand offers seminars, individual one on one training, group sessions, corporate sessions, and merchandise.

  • Weapon Brand has trained military personnel, task force groups, law enforcement, correctional employees, and civilians of various ages and skill levels. For more information on our instructors please visit our teams page - Our Team!

  • No, you don't need a concealed carry license (CCW/CHL) to enroll in our firearms training courses. We offer three distinct types of training:

    1. "Got a Gun....Now What?" (Weapons Safety and Fundamentals): This comprehensive course covers essential knowledge not typically taught in concealed carry classes. It focuses on firearm safety and fundamental skills, ensuring you're well-prepared to handle your firearm responsibly.

    2. Weapons Retention: Learn how to safeguard your firearm effectively. Think of it as self-defense for your weapon. Proper training prevents your firearm from becoming a liability in a dangerous situation.

    3. Precision and Accuracy Shooting: Elevate your shooting skills at the range. To join this course, you must have completed our Weapons Safety and Fundamentals class, or you should be current or former law enforcement or military personnel.

    Join us in mastering the art of responsible firearm ownership and usage. Your safety is our top priority!

  • Weapon Brand has office locations in Warren, OH and St. Petersburg, FL.

    We also come to your home, group meeting location or office.

    We also train many clients at Kinetix Inspired Fitness - 6561 102nd Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL 33782

  • Yes! We travel anywhere and everywhere in the United States to provide training.

  • The best way to contact Weapon Brand is via email at

    Although we have two office locations, one being a Combat Athlete Performance Academy in Warren, OH and one in St. Petersburg, FL, it is important to know that both of these facilities are exclusive access only and can only be accessed by appointment.

  • At Weapon Brand, we're all about flexibility and convenience in equipping you to 'Be Your OWN Weapon.' While we predominantly operate our sessions at Kinetix Inspired Fitness located at 6561 102nd Ave N, Pinellas Park, FL 33782, we're not confined to just one location. Need us to come to your office, home, school, or even a public setting like the beach or a park? Consider it done. Our mobile operation ensures that you can focus on what's most important—your safety—wherever you're most comfortable

  • Weapon Brand is committed to fostering strength and resilience through self-defense, ensuring that our training is accessible and beneficial to all. Our approach to DEI is built into the foundation of our programs, where we actively embrace diversity and work to provide equitable opportunities for individuals from every background and walk of life. In our inclusive environment, each participant is valued and empowered. Our expert instructors are dedicated to offering instruction that recognizes the unique strengths and challenges of every student. At Weapon Brand, we're about forging a formidable community where safety, respect, and personal empowerment are guaranteed for everyone.